Individual, Professional & Nonprofit Partner Members

Solar Washington thanks its individual, professional and nonprofit partner members for supporting Solar Washington's efforts to advance solar energy in Washington state. 

Individual Members

Individual members include homeowners, industry personnel, and other solar enthusiasts.


Professional Members

Professional members are individuals who work directly or indirectly with the solar energy sector in Washington. Solar Washington appreciates their support!

Richard Boehm
Chris Boling
Ilya Bukshteyn
James Burke
Henry Burwell
Bruce Carter
John Doherty
Robert Donati
Dan Durland
Darius Ellis
Stu Frothingham
Bradley Gage
Bruce Gage
Michael Geiger
Michael Goodwin
Susan Hacker
Kathy Hall
Bart Hansen
Jack Harrison
Paige Heggie
Melissa Hoberg
Raphaela Hsu-Flanders
George Iftner
Jamie Judkins
Jeremy Keller
Jason Keyes
Howard Lamb
Ellen Lamiman
Jon Lange
Jay Larson
Bill Leighty
Rich Martinez
Ted Matts
Rick Maxwell
David McCaughey
Kevin Moens
Keith Moore
Leslie Moynihan
James Mullins
Maina Mumbi
Mike Nelson

Jack Newman
Chuck Newquist
Craig Olson
Connor O'Malley
David Otis
Suzy Oversvee
Özgür Özcan
Dan Palmer
Kenneth Perkins
Evan Ramsey
Grace Reamer
Heather Rhoads-Weaver
Kim Rice
Britton Rife
Chandra Romel
Dwight Rousu
Rodney Schmidt
Joan Schrammeck
Shaun Seaman
Jonathan Shakes
Ron Snell
Donald Stimson
Spike Teal
Rob Tyrrell
Pedro Valverde
Sam Vanderhoof
Dean Van Vleet
Lindsey Virdeh
Sarah Vorpahl
Liz Washburn
David Watterson
Willard Westre
Lyle Whitcomb
Kristina Whitney
Roy Widger
Todd Williams
Manuela Winter
Sam Winters
Rebecca Wolfe
Dennis Wray
Carla Wulfsberg
James Zupkus

Eric Baugh
Andy Cochrane
Tim Economu
Brian Grunkemeyer
Denis Hayes
James Herndon
Cameron McCall
Pat Norwil
James Ryan
Jameson Schwetz
Jonathan Shalfi (E-mail)
Dave Warren (E-mail); consultant 
Julie Wilcox, (E-mail), solar sales
Yeve Williams
Chris Wolfe, (E-mail), Owner at Rainshadow Solar & Energy Solutions, Inc.


Non-profit partner members

Solar Washington acknowledges the related work that other organizations in Washington perform on issues pertaining to solar and other forms of renewable energy as well as other efforts to create a more carbon-free environment for future generations.

Northwest Energy Coalition
Shift Zero

Click to view Solar Washington's current Sponsors and Business Members

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