Solar Washington Webinar for Washington Local Governments: Automating Solar Permitting with SolarAPP+™

As cities and counties across the United States make commitments to curb emissions and deploy more renewable energy resources, SolarAPP+™ can help accelerate this transition. Developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, SolarAPP+™ can run compliance checks and process building permit approvals for eligible rooftop solar systems. Find out how it can help your jurisdiction in this 60 min. webinar.

Register here.

Our Presenters:

Mark Rodriguez is the SolarAPP+ Foundation's Chief Engineering Officer and supports permitting for solar and storage projects nationwide. Mark's extensive background in solar covers the development, interpretation, and application of codes and standards as he directs the Specification Development working group with the long-term partner, Underwriter's Laboratories. Mark has additional roles with the Sustainable Energy Action Committee, International Energy Conservation Code Residential committee, and as a member of the UL 9540 Standard Technical Panel.

Katie Nissen and Noah Frey are researchers with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). NREL developed SolarAPP+, and Katie and Noah have been part of the SolarAPP+ team since 2023 working on outreach and onboarding for jurisdictions who want to adopt the tool.


August 23, 2024 at 12:00pm - 1pm

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  • Chantal Stevens
    published this page in Upcoming Events 2024-07-08 10:12:50 -0700

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