The 2023 Sunny Awards for Equitable Community Solar (due July 14, 2023)

The 2023 Sunny Awards for Equitable Community Solar prize competition, due July 14, offers up to five $10,000 Sunny Awards Grand Prizes, up to 30 $2,500 Sunny Finalist Awards, and up to 15 $5,000 Meaningful Benefits/Engagement Awards to competitors who find effective ways to equitably deliver the specific, meaningful benefits of community solar identified by the National Community Solar Partnership.

The American-Made Sunny Awards for Equitable Community Solar (The Sunny Awards) is a prize competition that recognizes community solar projects and programs that employ or develop best practices to increase equitable access to the meaningful benefits of community solar for subscribers and their communities.

Community solar project portfolios (including 1 to 5 individual community solar installations) or programs (state-, municipal-, territory-, tribal- or utility-run initiatives that enable, incentivize, or otherwise support the development of multiple community solar projects within a specific jurisdiction) that serve at least 50% residential customers and were energized on or after January 1, 2020, are eligible to apply for the 2023 Sunny Awards. Applicants must provide a narrative and supporting evidence verifying that the project or program provides meaningful benefits in at least two of the following meaningful benefits:

  • Low- to moderate-income (LMI) Household Access
  • Greater Households Savings
  • Resilience and Grid Benefits
  • Community Ownership
  • Equitable Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship

Project portfolios and programs may also receive recognition through the Engagement Awards.

Download the Rules for the 2023 Sunny Awards | Apply to the 2023 Sunny Awards



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