Transportation Choices Coalition-2019 Legislative Preview: Climate Equity + Transportation

Transportation Choices Coalition-2019 Legislative Preview: Climate Equity + Transportation

Save the date for TCC’s last Transit Talk of the year!

Last month, the IPCC Climate Report made it clear that it is urgent to act on climate change and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. One solution is to clean up Washington’s transportation sector, which is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the state.

This January during legislative session in Olympia, we have an opportunity to advocate for policies that do just that, while also reducing air pollution, congestion, and stormwater runoff, and increasing health, mobility, affordability, and safety.

Join TCC and our partners in a discussion around the intersection of equitable and clean transportation solutions. What are the implications of focusing our pollution reduction efforts on electrifying vehicle fleets? What are equitable ways to shift mobility choices, create clean fuel standards, and improve energy efficiency? What does a just transition look like? How do we create community-driven strategies and build cross-sector coalitions?

Bryce Yadon, State Policy Director, Futurewise
Debolina Banerjee, Climate Justice Policy Analyst, Puget Sound Sage
Don Mackenzie, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW
Rebecca Ponzio, Climate Program Director, Washington Environmental Council
(Moderator) Michael Breish, Energy Policy Specialist, Department of Commerce

Click to RSVP. 

December 13, 2018 at 12:00pm - 1pm
City Hall, Bertha Knight Landes Room, Seattle City Hall
600 4th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
United States
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