The purpose of this report (released February 2016) is to provide state lawmakers and regulators, electric utilities, the solar industry, and other energy stakeholders with timely, accurate, and unbiased updates on how states are choosing to study, adopt, implement, amend, or discontinue policies associated with distributed solar photovoltaics (PV).
This report catalogues proposed and enacted legislative,regulatory policy,and rate design changes affecting the value proposition of distributed solar PV during the most recent quarter,with an emphasis on the residential sector.The 50 States of Solar provides regular quarterly updates of solar policy developments, keeping stakeholders informed and up to date on a timely basis. This special year-end version of the report also highlights the key trends and major actions of the 2015 calendar year, providing insights and analysis on the solar policy environment.
The report is made possible by The NC Clean Energy Technology Center, a UNC System-chartered Public Service Center administered by the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University. Its mission is to advance asustainableenergy economy by educating, demonstrating and providing support for clean energytechnologies, practices,and policies. Also contributing is Meister Consultants Group, Inc. (MCG) is an international sustainability consulting firm specializing in renewable energy policy and strategy development. With affiliates in the United States and Europe, MCG is a global leader in clean energy policy, climate change planning, and stakeholder dialogue. View the full report. (PDF file; 4.2MB )