The March 2016 SW General Meeting took place Wednesday, March 2 in Seattle. Included was an information sharing session involving jurisdiction professionals and others who spoke about recent code improvements (zoning and planning) with respect to solar and opportunities thereof.
Appearing were the following:
- Duane Jonlin (pictured right), FAIA, the "Energy Code and Energy Conservation Advisor" for Seattle's Department of Construction and Inspections, who also chairs the energy code Technical Advisory Group for the State Building Code Council. Download the PPT
- Rob Chave, Planning Manager, City of Edmonds. Download the PPT
- Christopher Chase, homeowner and builder with knowledge in the area of passive solar, home energy efficiency.
An update on HB2346 which seeks to reform the current production incentive program was given by Jeremy Smithson, Legislative and Policy Director of Solar Installers of Washington and Joni Bosh, Senior Policy Associate, Northwest Energy Coalition.
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