Webinar: Opportunities for emerging perovskite-based PV

“What’s a perovskite solar cell and why should I care?”

Ginger_Lab_Erin_REU_Summer_2017-reduced275.jpgUW Chemistry Professor and Clean Energy Institute (CEI) Chief Scientist David Ginger (pictured below) will present a webinar on Thursday, June 4 at 1pm on opportunities for emerging perovskite-based PV. Perovskite solar cells seem to be in the news practically every week. In this talk David will introduce perovskite solar cells and talk about some of the potential advantages – and remaining challenges – to the widespread adoption of this emerging photovoltaic technology.

Click to read more about perovskite solar cells. The UW Clean Energy Institute recently announced a new research and development coalition to accelerate the domestic commercialization of perovskite technologies. Click to read release. Here is a release from NREL, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

David_Ginger_Headshot_10-9-2018reduced.jpgDavid Ginger is CEI’s chief scientist and Alvin L. and Verla R. Kwiram Endowed Professor of Chemistry and Washington Research Foundation Distinguished Scholar in Chemistry at the UW. Ginger earned his Ph.D. in physics in the optoelectronics group at the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2001. His research centers on the physical chemistry of conjugated polymers and nanostructured materials with applications in optoelectronics – especially thin film solar cells – and sensing. Ginger has been recognized by the Research Corporation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, NSF, ACS, and the Microscopy Society of America, and was elected a Fellow of the AAAS in 2012. More info on David and the CEI.

Sarah100.jpgPresented by Solar Washington and hosted by SW Board Member Sarah Vorpahl. Sarah Vorpahl is a Senior Energy Policy Specialist specializing in distributed energy resources at the Washington State Department of Commerce based in Olympia. Sarah has a doctorate in emerging solar cell technology from University of Washington where she worked at the Clean Energy Institute.

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June 04, 2020 at 1:00pm - 2pm
Patrick Nugent ·

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