Solar WA Gives Solar 101 Presentation to Coalfield Crossing Residential Community

three300.jpgSolar Washington Board Secretary Joan Schrammeck and volunteer Kim Rice gave a climate and solar presentation at the Coalfield Crossing (Renton, WA) community annual meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2019. The community reached out to Solar Washington based on requests by residents wishing to learn more about solar, how it works, overall general costs and more. 

Kim, who attended a past Climate Reality Project conference (presented by Al Gore), provided an overview of changing climate patterns and how renewables are doing their part in the effort to address climate change. Joan provided an overview of how solar works in Washington, the applications of solar (mainly from a PV perspective), the installation process and more. 

Solar Washington thanks Joan and Kim for volunteering their time in the effort to advance solar education to the community. 

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Pictured above: Patrick Nugent (SW Executive Director), Joan Schrammeck, Kim Rice; Below left: Joan Schrammeck presenting; Below right: Kim Rice presenting. 

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